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Logos Mobile Ed
AP101 Introducing Apologetics
AP113 Objections to the Gospels
AP120 Introducing Covenantal Apologetics I: Foundations
AP121 Introducing Covenantal Apologetics II: Applications
AP211 Show and Tell: Apologetics in the Postmodern Context
AP221 Apologetics in an Urban Context
AP371 A Biblical Response to Homosexuality
AR101 Archaeology in Action: Biblical Archaeology in the Field
AR151 Archaeology in Action: Jesus and Archaeology
AR271 The Seven Cities of Revelation
AR305 The Dead Sea Scrolls
Sons and Daughters of God: The Believer’s Identity, Calling, and Destiny
BI100 Learn to Study the Bible
BI101 Introducing Biblical Interpretation: Contexts and Resources (Revised Edition)
BI101 Introducing Biblical Interpretation: Contexts and Resources (Referenced to Logos 5)
BI101 Introducing Biblical Interpretation: Discussion Guide
BI103 Principles of Bible Interpretation
BI110 How to Read the Bible
BI111 Typological Hermeneutics: Finding Christ in the Whole Bible
BI117 Dispensational Hermeneutic of the Bible
BI131 Introducing Literary Interpretation
BI161 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages I
BI162 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages II
BI163 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages III
BI164 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages IV
BI165 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages V
BI171 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree about End Times?
BI172 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree about Baptism?
BI173 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree about the Bible?
BI181 Introducing Bible Translations
BI182 God’s Word as Translation
BI190 The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament: Methodology and Practice
BI201 The Story of the Bible
BI202 Reading the Bible as a Complete Story
BI205 Old Testament Exegesis: Understanding and Applying the Old Testament
BI206 New Testament Exegesis: Understanding and Applying the New Testament
BI210 Introducing Hebraic Thought: A Biblical Philosophy of Truth
BI260 Interpreting New Testament Genres
BI271 Interpreting New Testament Narrative: Studies and Methods
BI290 A Biblical Theology of End Times
BI291 The Apocrypha: Witness Between the Testaments
BI295 The Trinity and the Bible: A Biblical Theology of Persons and Relationships
BI301 A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God
BI304 Women in the Biblical World: Old Testament
BI306 Women in the Biblical World: New Testament
BI311 A Biblical Theology of Glory and Exodus
BI312 A Biblical Theology of Redemption: Themes and Interpretation
BI314 Matthew’s Use of the Old Testament: Kingdom and Christology
BI351 History of Biblical Interpretation I: Second Temple Judaism through the Reformation
BI352 History of Biblical Interpretation II: Seventeenth Century through the Present
BI390 Biblical Sexual Ethics
Bible Survey Video Series: The Gospels as the Story of Jesus
Bible Survey Video Series: Matthew
Bible Survey Video Series: Mark
Bible Survey Video Series: Luke
Bible Survey Video Series: John
Bible Survey Video Series: Acts
Bible Survey Video Series: Romans
Bible Survey Video Series: 1 Corinthians
Bible Survey Video Series: 2 Corinthians
Bible Survey Video Series: Galatians
Bible Survey Video Series: Ephesians
Bible Survey Video Series: Philippians
Bible Survey Video Series: Colossians
Bible Survey Video Series: 1 Thessalonians
Bible Survey Video Series: 2 Thessalonians
Bible Survey Video Series: 1 Timothy
Bible Survey Video Series: 2 Timothy
Bible Survey Video Series: Titus
Bible Survey Video Series: Philemon
Bible Survey Video Series: Hebrews
Bible Survey Video Series: James
Bible Survey Video Series: 1 Peter
Bible Survey Video Series: 1–3 John
Bible Survey Video Series: Jude and 2 Peter
Bible Survey Video Series: Revelation
CH101 Introducing Church History I: Obscurity to Christendom
CH102 Introducing Church History II: Reformation to Postmodernism
CH111 Understanding the Protestant Reformation: Precursors and Legacy
CH151 Introducing Historical Theology: Apostles to the Reformation
CH152 Introducing Historical Theology: Luther to the Twenty-First Century
CH201 Historical Theology: The Patristic Period
CH221 Milestones of the Protestant Reformation
CH241 The History of Christianity in the United States
CH261 History of the Doctrine of the Trinity
CH307 Augustine of Hippo: Context and Influence
CH321 History and Theology of John Calvin
CH343 The Life and Thought of J. Deotis Roberts
CH351 History of Heresies
CH361 Evangelism in the Early Church
CM100 Basic History of Preaching
CM101 Basic Elements of Preaching: An Introduction to Homiletics
CM102 Invitation to Biblical Preaching I: Theological, Historical, and Pragmatic Reasons for Preaching
CM103 Invitation to Biblical Preaching II: Preaching Biblical Sermons
CM104 Introducing Biblical Preaching: Preaching with Depth
CM151 Preparing and Delivering Christ-Centered Sermons I: Foundations and Structures
CM152 Preparing and Delivering Christ-Centered Sermons II: Communicating a Theology of Grace
CM153 Preparing and Delivering Christ-Centered Sermons III: Advanced Techniques and Theory
CM210 Preaching Biblical Narrative
CM328 Preaching the Psalms
CM333 Preaching Proverbs
CM382 Preaching Ephesians
CO101 Introducing Pastoral Counseling I: Theory and Practice
CO102 Introducing Pastoral Counseling II: Examples in Application
CO105 Introducing Christian Counseling: A Worldview Approach
CO107 Introducing Biblical Counseling: The History of Counseling
CO108 Introducing Biblical Counseling: Theory and Practice
CO111 Gospel-Centered Counseling
CO121 Pastoral Counseling: Foundations and Practices
CO131 Integrative Counseling
CO201 Counseling for Marriages and Family
CO301 Counseling Women Affected by Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence
Common Misconceptions about Common Christian Problems
The Cosmic Mountain: Intersection of Heaven and Earth
Counseling Suffering People
CS101 Biblical Worldview and Critical Thinking
CS121 Cultural Engagement and Scripture
CS151 Philosophy of History
CS201 Western Civilization: Greeks to Aquinas
CS211 History of Philosophy
CS251 History and Theology of the African American Church
CS261 Christian Marriage: The Beautiful Order for Christian Marriage
CS321 Introduction to Plato’s Republic: A Christian Reading
CS341 Influences on the Thought of C. S. Lewis
ED101 Introducing Discipleship
ED121 Introducing Evangelism
ED161 Christian Education: Foundations and Technology
ED201 Empowering God’s People for Ministry
ED205 Discipleship in History and Practice
ED209 Evangelical Conversion
ED281 Communicating to Youth
ED321 An Introduction to Writing Well
ED322 Teaching and Advancing an Argument
ED323 Re-Finishing Your Writing: Conclusions and Revisions
ET101 Law and Gospel: The Basis of Christian Ethics
ET201 Introduction to Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues
How to Communicate Effectively to Modern Audiences
Providing Hope: Pastoral Care in Hospital Visits, Death, and Funeral Services
More than the Ceremony: A Wedding Primer for Pastors
GK091 Interactive Greek Alphabet Course (Koine Version)
GK092 Interactive Greek Alphabet Course (Erasmian Version)
GK101 Introduction to Biblical Greek
The Gospel for Everyday Life
HB091 Interactive Hebrew Alphabet Course
The World Turned Upside Down: Finding the Gospel in Stranger Things (Video Series)
LA151 Learn to Use Biblical Hebrew with Logos 6
LA161 Learn to Use Biblical Greek with Logos 6
LA171 Learn to Use Biblical Hebrew
LA181 Learn to Use Biblical Greek
LA211 Introducing New Testament Discourse Grammar
HB101 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
LD101 Introducing Ministry Leadership: Discussion Guide
LD101 Introducing Ministry Leadership
LD102 The Ministry Leader and the Inner Life: Discussion Guide
LD102 The Ministry Leader and the Inner Life
LD111 Foundations of Christian Leadership
LD121 Transformational Leadership
LD201 Leading Teams and Groups in Ministry
LD202 Communication and Organizational Leadership
LD211 Church Leadership and Strategy: For the Care of Souls
LT261 Study the Bible with Logos: Matthew 4:1–11
LT101 Getting Oriented with the Logos Bible Study App
LT102 Studying a Passage with the Logos Bible Study App
LT103 Studying a Topic with the Logos Bible Study App
LT104 Organizing and Presenting Research with the Logos Bible Study App
LT121 Getting Oriented with the Logos Bible Study App
LT122 Studying a Passage with the Logos Bible Study App
LT123 Doing a Topical Study with the Logos Bible Study App
LT124 Preparing for a Sermon with the Logos Bible Study App
Mobile Ed: LT151 Logos 5 Academic Training
Mobile Ed: LT161 Logos 6 Academic Training
LT270 Study the Bible with Logos: Jonah 1:1–16
LT271 Study the Bible with Logos: Jonah 1
Reflecting on the Word: Video Devotionals (Year A)
Reflecting on the Word: Video Devotionals (Year B)
Reflecting on the Word: Video Devotionals (Year C)
Meditations on the Life of Christ
MI101 Introducing Global Missions
MI102 Current Issues in Missions
MI201 Church Planting
MI211 Ministry in Multiethnic Contexts
MI212 Church Planting in Multiethnic Contexts
MI251 Biblical Theology of Urban Ministry
MI252 Philosophy and Practice of Urban Ministry
MI255 Peace in the City: Alexis de Tocqueville and the Church in America
MI301 Community Analysis: Exegeting Culture for Missions
Practical Evangelism Opportunities for the 21st Century
NT101 Introducing New Testament: Its Structure and Story
NT146 The Arrival of Christ and His Kingdom
NT156 Understanding Easter: The Significance of the Resurrection
NT176 The Gospel Message in the Early Church
NT201 The Cultural World of the New Testament
NT202 A Survey of Jewish History and Literature from the Second Temple Period
NT203 The Literary Context of the Gospels
NT211 Introducing the Gospels and Acts: Their Background, Nature, and Purpose
NT216 Introductory Issues in Acts
NT217 Key Events and Speeches in Acts
NT221 The Wisdom of John: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Johannine Literature
NT222 Introducing the Epistles and Revelation: Their Setting and Message
NT225 Survey of the Pastoral Epistles
NT231 Paul of Tarsus
NT251 The Sermon on the Mount
NT252 Parables of Jesus
NT253 Miracles of Jesus
NT254 The Jesus of the Gospels
NT255 The Identity of Jesus
NT276 Pauline Theology
NT281 How We Got the New Testament
NT286 Survey of the General Epistles
NT301 The Gospels as Ancient Biography: A Theological and Historical Perspective
NT305 New Testament Theology
NT306 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament
NT307 Archaeology and the New Testament
NT308 The Reliability of New Testament Manuscripts
NT309 Critical Issues in the Synoptic Gospels
NT311 The World of Jesus and the Gospels
NT312 The Gospels and Ancient Pedagogy
NT313 Jesus and the Witness of the Outsiders
NT314 Book Study: The Gospel of Matthew in Its Jewish Context
NT315 Book Study: The Gospel of Mark
NT316 Book Study: The Gospel of Luke
NT317 Book Study: The Gospel of Matthew
NT318 Book Study: The Gospel of Mark in Its Roman Context
NT319 Book Study: The Gospel of Luke in Its Gentile Context
NT322 Book Study: The Gospel of Luke
NT323 Book Study: The Gospel of John
NT326 Book Study: The Acts of the Apostles
NT328 Theological Themes of Luke-Acts
NT331 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Romans
NT332 A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans
NT334 Book Study: Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians
NT337 Book Study: Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians
NT340 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: The Gospel for Jew and Gentile
NT341 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
NT343 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians
NT344 Paul’s Theology and the Letter to the Philippians
NT345 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
NT346 Exegetical Study: Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
NT347 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians
NT348 Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon
NT350 Book Study: 1 & 2 Thessalonians
NT361 Book Study: The Letter to the Hebrews
NT362 Exegetical Study: Letter to the Hebrews
NT365 Book Study: Letter of James
NT366 Book Study: Letter of 1 Peter
NT371 Greek Exegesis: 1 John
NT385 Book Study: Revelation
NT386 Seventh-day Adventist Perspective on Revelation
NT390 Jesus as Rabbi: The Jewish Context of the Life of Jesus
NT391 Hospitality in the New Testament
NT392 Paul the Letter Writer
NT395 Perspectives on Paul: Reformation and the New Perspective
OT101 Introducing the Old Testament: Its Structure and Story
OT102 Introducing the Old Testament: Its Poetry and Prophecy
OT201 Old Testament Genres
OT202 Introducing the Pentateuch
OT203 The Literary World of the Old Testament
OT204 The Social World of the Old Testament
OT217 Interpreting Judges
OT221 Introductory Issues in Psalms
OT231 Survey of the Major Prophets
OT232 A Survey of Amos, Joel, Obadiah, and Malachi
OT281 How We Got the Old Testament
OT285 Introducing Torah
OT291 The Jewish Trinity: How the Old Testament Reveals the Christian Godhead
OT300 Old Testament Theology
OT301 Origins of Genesis 1–3
OT302 Book Study: Genesis
OT303 Theology of Genesis
OT304 Human Discovery in Genesis 2–3
OT306 Book Study: Exodus
OT308 Book Study: Leviticus
OT310 Book Study: Numbers
OT312 Book Study: Deuteronomy
OT315 Book Study: Joshua
OT317 Book Study: Judges
OT319 Book Study: Ruth
OT321 Book Study: 1 & 2 Samuel
OT325 Book Study: 1 & 2 Kings
OT348 Book Study: Proverbs
OT355 Book Study: Isaiah: God’s Salvation for Israel and the Ends of the Earth
OT362 Book Study: Ezekiel
OT366 Book Study: Daniel and Its Literary and Historical Contexts
OT391 The Shema
PC101 Pastoral Ministry in a Missional Church
PC131 Shepherding Women
PC151 Theology of Everyday Life
PC171 Introducing Chaplaincy I: Biblical Foundations for Chaplaincy
PC172 Introducing Chaplaincy II: A Theology of Chaplaincy
PC201 Pastoral Ethics
PC211 The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor’s Heart
PC255 Biblical Principles for Diversity and Reconciliation in Ministry
PD101 Our Identity in Christ
PD102 Idolatry and the Power of the Cross
PD151 Do This Not That to Transform Your Marriage
PD161 Understanding and Living with Sexual Integrity
PD171 Biblical Soul Care
PD200 History and Development of Spirituality
PD201 Introducing Spiritual Formation
PD207 Worship that Pleases God
PD211 Christian Life from a Kingdom Perspective
PD331 Wealth and Stewardship in the Bible (A Practical Guide)
PD332 A Christian Perspective on Work and the Economy
Divine Rebellions
Endure Video Series: Building Faith for the Long Run
The Hole in the Pro-Life Ethic
Soul Rest Video Series: Reclaim Your Life; Return to Sabbath
TH101 Introducing Bible Doctrine I: Theology, Divine Revelation, and the Bible
TH102 Introducing Bible Doctrine II: The Triune God and His Heavenly Host
TH103 Introducing Bible Doctrine III: Humanity, Sin, and Salvation
TH104 Introducing Bible Doctrine IV: The Church and Last Things
TH111 Doctrine of God and Creation: A Reformed Perspective
TH112 Doctrine of Christ and the Church: A Reformed Perspective
TH113 Doctrine of Salvation and Eschatology: A Reformed Perspective
TH146 Christology: Prominent Titles for Jesus
TH191 Missional Approach to World Religions
TH200 Christian Thought: Orthodoxy and Heresy
TH207 The Clarity of Scripture
TH211 A Reformed Doctrine of God: Trinitarian Foundation
TH212 A Reformed Doctrine of God: Essence and Attributes
TH215 Trinitarian Theology
TH218 Doctrine of Divine Omnipresence
TH221 Doctrine of Man
TH222 Theological Anthropology
TH241 Christology: The Doctrine of Christ
TH242 Christology: The Person and Work of Christ
TH251 Pneumatology: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
TH261 Doctrine of Salvation
TH265 Free Grace Theology
TH267 Grace and the Law
TH268 Jack W. Cottrell on the Doctrine of Grace
TH275 Sacramental Theology
TH278 Jack W. Cottrell on the Doctrine of Baptism
TH291 History and Trends in Dispensationalism
TH292 Critical Issues in Dispensationalism
TH293 Israelology: The Doctrine of Israel
TH321 Cultural Implications of Theology: Influences of Christian Doctrine on Society
TH325 Theological Interpretation of Scripture in the Church
TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance
TH341 Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium
TH351 Perspectives on Justification by Faith: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance
TH361 Perspectives on the Trinity: Eternal Generation and Subordination in Tension
TH371 A Wesleyan View on the Sacraments
TH390 Contextual Theology: Examples from Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
People First, Mission Second: How to Recruit, Train, and Retain Volunteers
How to Choose the Right Bible Translation for the Task
Grace Calls Video Series: Spiritual Recovery after Abandonment, Addiction, or Abuse
Pure in Heart
Secure in Heart Video Series: Overcoming Insecurity in a Woman’s Life
The Voice of Grace Videos Series
The Acts of the Apostles
The Book of Daniel
Paul and His Letter to the Ephesians
Faith Working through Love
Paul and His Letter to the Galatians
The Book of Genesis: The Beginning of the Beginning
The Servant King: Isaiah 40–55
The Lord’s Prayer
Paul and His Letter to the Philippians
Selections from the Psalms: Part One