This series reviews the purpose and meaning of the 10 Commandments as they were originally given to the Jews under Moses, along with their spiritual value and proper function in the modern Christian's life.
In this first session, Mike establishes both the importance and relevance of the 10 Commandments for the Christian in the modern world.
The 1st Commandment: God First and Only
Mike discusses the reasons for the first commandment and how we both break and keep it today.
The 2nd Commandment: Idol and Likeness
Mike explains the various ways the second commandment forbidding idolatry is violated in modern times.
The 3rd Commandment: The Holy Name
This lesson reviews the various ways the commandments have been listed and explains the reason for the reverence of God's name.
The 4th Commandment: The Sabbath Rest
Mike explains the difference between the Sabbath Day and the Lord's Day.
The 5th Commandment: The Command with a Promise
Mike discusses what the fifth commandment requires of both parents and their children.
The 6th Commandment: The Sanctity of Life
Mike discusses the reasoning behind the sixth commandment not to kill and the various ways it applies to our lives.
The Problem of Abortion
Mike continues with the second lesson on the sixth commandment dealing with the issue of abortion in which he reviews arguments for and against this practice.
The 7th Commandment: God's Plan for Sexual Fulfillment
In this lesson, Mike reviews the basic rules about sexual intimacy as well as the various strategies one can use to keep this commandment.
The 8th Commandment: Taking without Permission
Mike demonstrates the many ways this command can be violated, and how we can build a defense against dishonest tendencies.
The 9th Commandment: Truth Equals Integrity
Mike explores the everyday requirements demanded by this command beyond its primary application in a court of law.
The 10th Commandment: The Desire for What is Forbidden
In this final lesson dealing with the tenth commandment, Mike explains the thin line that separates good versus evil desires and how to avoid the sinful trap of covetousness.