Logos 5: Timesaving Tips

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At least two types of drivers exist in cities: visitors and locals. Visitors stay on the main roads waiting in traffic and at traffic signals. Locals bypass traffic, taking timesaving shortcuts. Both arrive at their destinations, one just a bit faster. Likewise, with Logos Bible Software, you can stay on the routine routes or take the shortcuts. Both get the job done, but one is far more efficient. Morris Proctor, the authorized trainer of Logos Bible Software, is definitely a local. He knows the ins and outs of Logos, so he can get you where you want to go, quicker and easier. MP Seminars is pleased to announce the release of Logos Timesaving Tips. With more than 100 short videos displayed right in your Logos Bible Software, Morris equips you to use timesaving shortcuts in your daily use of Logos. His clear, down-to-earth teaching style along with enhanced video screenshots will have you maneuvering the back roads of Logos in no time at all. You’ll learn to: • Keep the homepage closed when you clear the screen • Prioritize multiple books at once • Update a layout with a shortcut • Open books without going to the library • Organize favorites • Create your own shortcuts for highlighting text And much more! Not only is Morris the authorized trainer of Logos, he uses the software for his own Bible study and sermon preparation. Many of the timesaving shortcuts come right out of his personal use of Logos. You’re getting a glimpse into his own application of the software!

